Unit for the Study of Personality in Politics
Steve Forbes National Online Headquarters
Articles about Steve Forbes by USPP contributors
"Conscientious Forbes couldn't
excite voters" by Matthew J. Tinguely and Kelila Kasim. St. Cloud
Times, February 20, 2000, p. 11B.
"Forbes has a lot in common with Gore" by Suzanne Wetzel and Aubrey Immelman. St. Cloud Times,
January 9, 2000, p. 9B.
Political Leaders and Candidates Studied at the Unit for the Study of Personality in Politics
Bill Bradley | Hillary Rodham Clinton | Al Gore |
Pat Buchanan | Elizabeth Dole | John McCain |
George W. Bush | Steve Forbes | Jesse Ventura |
Bill Clinton | Rudy Giuliani |
Page maintained by Aubrey Immelman, USPP director and Suzanne Wetzel, USPP contributor
Last updated April 16, 2000