Unit for the Study of Personality in Politics
George W. Bush
George W. Bush Low Intelligence Myth Debunked
Personality profile predicts President Bush's 2002 midterm election gains
"The Political Personalities of U.S. Presidential Candidates George W. Bush and Al Gore" [Abstract of 2000 research paper]
Executive Summary: Personality Profile of George W. Bush
"The Political Personality of Texas Governor George W. Bush" [Abstract of 1999 research paper]
"The Political Personality of George W. Bush" [Brief research report]
"Personality Profile Reveals Outgoing, Adventurous Qualities in Bushs Character" [Press release, 7/29/99]
Articles about George W. Bush by USPP contributors
"Bush suffers a bad rap on
intelligence" by Aubrey
Immelman. St. Cloud Times, January 14, 2001, p. 11B.
"Relying on loyalty could hurt Bush" by Aubrey
Immelman. St. Cloud Times, December 29, 2000, p. 7B.
"Getting inside the Bush mind" by
Aubrey Immelman. St. Cloud Times, December 17, 2000, p. 9B.
"Theories on personality pan out"
by Aubrey Immelman. St. Cloud Times, December 10, 2000, p. 11B.
"Election results
make one wonder: Was it personality or lucky timing?" by Aubrey Immelman. St. Cloud
Times, November 19, 2000, p. 9B.
"Personality may overpower pundits, polls in this
election" by Aubrey Immelman. St. Cloud Times, October 1, 2000, p.
"Vice presidential nominees help both Bush, Gore"
by Aubrey Immelman. St. Cloud Times, September 10, 2000, p. 9B.
"George W. relies on personality"
by Aubrey Immelman. St. Cloud Times, July 30, 2000, p. 9B.
"Bush needs to show voters his serious
side" by Dale Fredrickson and Aubrey Immelman. St. Cloud Times, May
7, 2000, p. 11B.
"Bush plays the charmer who wants to be
taken seriously" by Joshua Jipson and Aubrey Immelman. St. Cloud
Times, January 23, 2000, p. 9B.
Political Leaders and Candidates Studied at the Unit for the Study of Personality in Politics
Bill Bradley | Hillary Rodham Clinton | Al Gore |
Pat Buchanan | Elizabeth Dole | John McCain |
George W. Bush | Steve Forbes | Jesse Ventura |
Bill Clinton | Rudy Giuliani |
Page maintained by Aubrey Immelman,USPP director and Suzanne Wetzel,USPP contributor
Last modified: 07/24/2004