Unit for the Study of Political Psychology
William Jefferson Clinton
Website of the President of the United States
"The Political Personalities of 1996 U.S. Presidential Candidates Bill Clinton and Bob Dole" [Abstract of journal article]
"Personality Profile Reveals Flaws, Redeeming Qualities in Clintons Character" [Press release, 12/15/98]
"Professor Publishes Personality Profile of President Clinton" [Press release, 8/27/98]
Articles about President Bill Clinton by USPP contributors
scrutiny brings fewer presidential surprises” by Aubrey Immelman. St. Cloud
Times, March 11, 2000, p. 7B.
"The content of his character" by Aubrey Immelman. MSNBC, February
25, 1999.
"The Clinton chronicle:
Diary of a political psychologist" by Aubrey Immelman. Symposium, 16, 1998/99: 30-68.
Political Leaders and Candidates Studied at the Unit for the Study of Personality in Politics
Bill Bradley | Hillary Rodham Clinton | Al Gore |
Pat Buchanan | Elizabeth Dole | John McCain |
George W. Bush | Steve Forbes | Jesse Ventura |
Bill Clinton | Rudy Giuliani |
Page maintained by Aubrey Immelman,USPP director and Suzanne Wetzel, USPP contributor
Last modified: 05/10/2001