Unit for the Study of Personality in Politics
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Milosevic's Suicide Risk
By Aubrey Immelman
April 2, 2001
On September 26, 2000 ("What moves Milosevic?"), I reported: " In the latest power struggle in the Balkans, the bottom line is this: Personal self-interest is the guiding force that drives Milosevic. In this light, there is no plausible scenario in which Milosevic will willingly relinquish political power. His personality profile suggest that, rather than go quietly in the face of defeat, Milosevic will use all means at his disposal to hang on to power. If cornered, he may take his own life rather than surrender."
On April 1, 2001 ("Milosevic arrested"), CNN Interactive reported, "Serbia's Deputy Prime Minister Zarko Kovac told CNN the government's key objective in the situation was to avoid 'spilling blood.' He said a decision had been taken to storm the compound again, but Milosevic gave himself up before that happened. 'He was there with his wife, he was there with his daughter, showing his guns, he was telling people he will kill himself and his family and anyone coming into the house,' Kovac said."
See also: "What Moves Milosevic" (Sept. 26, 2000).
Page maintained by Aubrey Immelman
Last updated April 02, 2001