Unit for the Study of Personality in Politics
Scholarly Activities
Aubrey Immelman
Professional Activities
Continuing Education
Pearson Assessments, Millon Clinical Inventories, October 18–20, 2002
The Institute for Advanced Studies in Personology and Psychopathology (Twin Cities chapter), Millon Study Group Program; Theodore Millon (dean) and Jack O’Regan (study director); 1999–2001
National Computer Systems, Millon Clinical Inventories, September 23–25, 1994
The Ohio State University, Summer Institute in Political Psychology;
Margaret G. Hermann and Jon A. Krosnick (co-directors); July–August 1993
Hypnosis Institute of Colorado, Hypnosis and Therapeutic Methodology;
Richard S. Shane; March–May 1983
Associate Trainers in Clinical Hypnosis, Advanced Workshop in Clinical Hypnosis; Anthony Gaito; April 30–May 2, 1983
Mental Research Institute, Palo Alto, Family Violence and Violent Interactions, Arthur M. Bodin and Diana S. Everstine; April 15–16, 1983
Administrative and Committee Service
Editor, Headwaters (CSB/SJU faculty journal), 2005–present
Rank and Tenure Committee, St. John’s University, 2004–2007
Governing Council, International Society of Political Psychology, 1999–2002
Initiated and assisted in developing semester‑long study-abroad program in South Africa for students of St. John’s University and the College of St. Benedict, 1995–1998
Faculty Council on Academic Affairs, Academic Assessment Committee,
St. John’s University and the College of St. Benedict, 1995–1997
Member of joint Student Life/Academic Affairs planning committee to organize symposium on the Persian Gulf War, Morehead State University, spring 1991
Faculty Colloquia
“The Psychological Profiles of the Top-Tier Republican and Democratic Candidates for President” Friday Forum, St. John’s University and the College of St. Benedict, December 14, 2007.
“Hypnosis: Myth, Miracle, or Madness?” Friday Forum, St. John’s University and the College of St. Benedict, November 9, 2001.
“Moral Crusader vs. Flyboy: The Political Personalities of Al Gore and George W. Bush” Friday Forum, St. John’s University and the College of St. Benedict, November 3, 2000.
“South Africa’s Transition to Majority Rule: Implications for Higher Education” (with Roelf van Niekerk, University of Port Elizabeth). Collegial Conversation Series, St. John’s University and the College of St. Benedict, September 27, 1995.
“South Africa: From White Domination to Majority Rule.” Collegial Conversation Series, St. John’s University and the College of St. Benedict, March 9, 1994.
Workshops and Presentations
Panelist, “Assessing the Personal Characteristics of Political Leaders” (with Steven J Rubenzer, Foundation for the Study of Personality in History; and Margaret G. Hermann, Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs, Maxwell School, Syracuse University. Roundtable discussion at the Thirtieth Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Portland, OR, July 4–7, 2007.
Presenter, pre-conference workshop on “Personality Profiling: A Psychodiagnostic Approach.” Twenty-Eighth Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Toronto, ON, July 2, 2005.
Co-presenter (with Blema Steinberg, McGill University), pre‑conference workshop on “Personality Assessment and Performance Prediction of Political and Terrorist Leaders.” Twenty‑Sixth Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Boston, MA, July 5, 2003.
Panelist, “Reactions to the Events of September 11: Psychological Perspectives” (with Martha Crenshaw, Wesleyan University; Clark McCauley, Solomon Asch Center for the Study of Ethnopolitical Conflict; Jerrold M. Post, George Washington University; David C. Rapoport, UCLA; Fernando Reinares, Universidad de Burgos, Spain; Marc Howard Ross, Bryn Mawr College; and Leonard B. Weinberg, University of Nevada). Roundtable discussion at the Twenty-Fifth Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Berlin, Germany, July 16–19, 2002.
Presenter, in-service training, “Assessment of Personality Disorders” (approved by the Minnesota Board of Psychology for 2 hours of continuing education units), Behavioral Health Services, St. Cloud Hospital, April 13, 2000.
Guest presenter, Political Psychology Proseminar, Department of Political Science, University of Minnesota, February 10, 2000.
Co-presenter (with Blema Steinberg, McGill University), pre‑conference workshop on “A Psychodiagnostic Approach to Assessing Political Personality and Predicting Leadership Performance.” Twenty‑Second Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 17, 1999.
Panelist, “New Directions in the Study of Political Leadership: The Relevance of Cultural Context, Relationships, and Physical Characteristics to Performance” (with Robert E. Gilbert, Northeastern University; Betty Glad, University of South Carolina; Helen Shestopal, Moscow State University, Russia; and Blema Steinberg, McGill University). Roundtable discussion at the Twenty-Second Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 18–21, 1999.
Invited panelist, special session of the Psychohistory Forum on “Understanding the Impact of Impeachment,” New York, March 6, 1999.
Panelist, “Psychological Profiling of Political Leaders: Profiling Bill Clinton” (with Margaret G. Hermann, Ohio State University; Jerrold M. Post, George Washington University; Peter Suedfeld, University of British Columbia; and Stephen G. Walker, Arizona State University). Roundtable discussion at the Twenty-First Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Montréal, PQ, July 12–15, 1998.
Guest presenter, “Personality Profiles of Candidates in the 1996 Presidential Election,” Center for the Study of Political Psychology, University of Minnesota, November 1, 1996.
Keynote speaker, mid-year faculty development workshops on “Using Technology to Develop Critical Thinking and Writing.” Mount Marty College, Yankton, SD, January 1996.
Guest presenter, “Establishing and Building Learning Communities through Electronic Communications.” Workshop presented upon invitation by the faculty development committee, Northern State University, Aberdeen, SD, February 1995.
Book Chapters
Forthcoming. Political Psychology. In I. B. Weiner (Ed.), The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
2005. Political Psychology and Personality. In S. Strack (Ed.), Handbook of Personology and Psychopathology (pp. 198–225). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
2004. De Landtsheer, C., Thijssen, P., & Immelman, A. De Persoonlijkheid van de Politieke Overwinnaar: Het Vlaamse Lijsttrekkersdebat van 25 Februari 2003 [The Personality of the Political Victor: The Belgian Candidate List Debate of February 25, 2003]. In C. De Landtsheer, Politiek Impressiemanagement in Vlaanderen en Nederland [Political Impression Management in Belgium and the Netherlands] (pp. 153–172). Louvain, Belgium: Acco.
2004. De Landtsheer, C., Van der Schaaf, W., & Immelman, A. De Harmonie van Paars II: Kok, Borst en Jorritsma – Een Psychodiagnostische Analyse [The Synchrony of Purple II: Kok, Borst, and Jorritsma – A Psychodiagnostic Analysis]. In C. De Landtsheer, Politiek Impressiemanagement in Vlaanderen en Nederland [Political Impression Management in Belgium and the Netherlands] (pp. 101–124). Louvain, Belgium: Acco.
2004. De Landtsheer, C., Winkelmans, V., & Immelman, A. De Roode Ridder van Paars-Groen: Het Persoonlijkheidsprofiel van Frans Vandenbroucke [The Red Knight of Purple-Green: The Personality Profile of Frans Vandenbroucke]. In C. De Landtsheer, Politiek Impressiemanagement in Vlaanderen en Nederland [Political Impression Management in Belgium and the Netherlands] (pp. 77–100). Louvain, Belgium: Acco.
2003. Personality in Political Psychology. In I. B. Weiner (Series Ed.), T. Millon & M. J. Lerner (Vol. Eds.), Handbook of Psychology: Vol. 5. Personality and Social Psychology (pp. 599–625). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
2002. The Political Personality of U.S. President George W. Bush. In L. O. Valenty & O. Feldman (Eds.), Political Leadership for the New Century: Personality and Behavior Among American Leaders (pp. 81–103). Westport, CT: Praeger.
Refereed Articles
2004. De Landtsheer, C., Van der Schaaf, W., & Immelman, A. Het Persoonlijkheids-profiel van de Top van Paars II (Kok, Borst en Jorritsma) door de Lens van de Nederlandse Media [The Personality Profile of the Top Leadership of the Purple II Coalition (Kok, Borst, and Jorritsma) through the Lens of the Dutch Media]. Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap, 32, 162–187.
1998. The Political Personalities of 1996 U.S. Presidential Candidates Bill Clinton and Bob Dole. Leadership Quarterly, 9, 335–366.
1998 (co-author Peter Schneider). Assessing Student Learning in Study-Abroad Programs. Journal of Studies in International Education, 2(2), 59–79.
1997. [Review of the book High Hopes: The Clinton Presidency and the Politics of Ambition.] Political Psychology, 18, 535–539.
1996. [Review of the book Theories of Intergroup Relations: International Social Psychological Perspectives, 2nd ed.] Politics and the Life Sciences, 15, 143–145.
1993. The Assessment of Political Personality: A Psychodiagnostically Relevant Conceptualization and Methodology. Political Psychology, 14, 725–741.
Other Scholarly Articles
2002. The Hunt for bin Laden: America’s “Second Intelligence Failure”? Clio’s Psyche (Journal of the Psychohistory Forum), 8(4), 184–185.
2002. Mohamed Atta’s Personality. Clio’s Psyche (Journal of the Psychohistory Forum), 8(4), 185–189.
2001 (co-author Peter Habencius). Childhood Denied: The Roots of Ralph Nader’s Righteousness. Clio’s Psyche (Journal of the Psychohistory Forum), 7(4), 198–200.
2000. Personality is the Main Issue. Clio’s Psyche (Journal of the Psychohistory Forum), 7(3), 156–158.
2000. Portrait of George W. Bush as a “Late Bloomer.” Clio’s Psyche (Journal of the Psychohistory Forum), 7(2), 55–57.
2000. The Character of Hillary Clinton. Clio’s Psyche (Journal of the Psychohistory Forum), 7(2), 65–66.
1999. Why Al Gore Will Not be Elected President in 2000. Clio’s Psyche (Journal of the Psychohistory Forum), 6(2), 72–74.
1999. The Political Personality of George W. Bush. Clio’s Psyche (Journal of the Psychohistory Forum), 6(2), 74–75.
1999. A Conversation on Alternative Approaches to Political Personality [with Paul Elovitz, editor]. Clio’s Psyche (Journal of the Psychohistory Forum), 6(1), 25–30.
1999. Bill Clinton: The Dual Character of a President Impeached. Clio’s Psyche (Journal of the Psychohistory Forum), 5(4), 144–146.
1998. The Clinton Chronicle: Diary of a Political Psychologist. The Saint John’s Symposium (faculty journal, St. John’s University, Collegeville, MN), 16, 30–68.
1998. Let’s Not Criminalize Human Folly. Clio’s Psyche (Journal of the Psychohistory Forum), 5(3), 86–87.
1997. Understanding Power in the College Classroom. The National Teaching & Learning Forum, 6(3), 5–7.
1996 (co-author Roelf van Niekerk). South Africa’s Transition to Majority Rule: Implications for Higher Education. The Saint John’s Symposium (faculty journal, St. John’s University, Collegeville, MN), 14, 61–73.
1995. “All the Men’s President”—The Political Personality of Bill Clinton. The Saint John’s Symposium (faculty journal, St. John’s University, Collegeville, MN), 13, 36–46.
1994. South Africa’s Long March to Freedom—A Personal View. The Saint John’s Symposium (faculty journal, St. John’s University, Collegeville, MN), 12, 1–20.
1992. Cooperative Learning: Challenging a False Dichotomy. Faculty Development, 5(3), 2–3.
Newspaper Articles
Approximately 50 articles indexed online:
The Political Personalities of 2008 Republican Presidential Contenders John McCain and Rudy Giuliani. Paper presented at the Thirtieth Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Portland, OR, July 4–7, 2007.
The Political Personality of 2004 Democratic Presidential Candidate John Kerry (co-author Adam Beatty). Paper presented at the Twenty-Eighth Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Toronto, ON, July 3–6, 2005.
Psychological Profile of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas (co-author Jamie Thielman. Paper prepared (2004) for incorporation in Supreme Discomfort: The Divided Soul of Clarence Thomas by Kevin Merida and Michael Fletcher (Doubleday, 2007).
The Political Personality of Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe (co-author Adam Beatty). Paper presented at the Twenty-Sixth Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Boston, MA, July 6–9, 2003.
“Bin Laden’s Brain”: The Abrasively Negativistic Personality of Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri (co-author Kathryn Kuhlmann). Paper presented at the Twenty-Sixth Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Boston, MA, July 6–9, 2003.
The Personality Profile of September 11 Hijack Ringleader Mohamed Atta. Paper presented at the Twenty-Fifth Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Berlin, Germany, July 16–19, 2002.
The Personality Profile of al-Qaida Leader Osama bin Laden. Paper presented at the Twenty-Fifth Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Berlin, Germany, July 16–19, 2002.
Personality Profiles of Dutch “Purple Coalition” Cabinet Leaders Wim Kok, Els Borst, and Annemarie Jorritsma (with Christ’l De Landtsheer and Wietske van der Schaaf). Paper presented at the Twenty-Fifth Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Berlin, Germany, July 16–19, 2002.
The Political Personalities of 2000 U.S. Presidential Candidates George W. Bush and Al Gore. Paper presented at the Twenty-Third Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Seattle, WA, July 1–4, 2000.
The Political Personality of Texas Governor George W. Bush. Paper presented at the Twenty-Second Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 18–21, 1999.
The Political Personality of U.S. Vice President Al Gore. Paper presented at the Twenty-First Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Montréal, PQ, July 12–15, 1998.
A Comparison of the Personalities of Eleanor Roosevelt and Hillary Rodham Clinton (co-author Jennifer Jo Hagel). Paper presented at the Twenty-First Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Montréal, PQ, July 12–15, 1998.
A Comparison of the Political Personalities of 1996 U.S. Presidential Candidates Bill Clinton and Bob Dole. Paper presented at the Nineteenth Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Vancouver, BC, June 30–July 3, 1996.
The Political Personality of Bill Clinton: A Psychodiagnostic Meta‑Analysis. Paper presented at the Eighteenth Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Washington, DC, July 5–9, 1995.
South Africa in Transition: The Influence of the Political Personalities of Nelson Mandela and F. W. de Klerk. Paper presented at the Seventeenth Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain, July 11–14, 1994.
A Millon‑Based Study of Political Personality: Nelson Mandela and F. W. de Klerk; Part I, Method and Preliminary Results. Paper presented at the Sixteenth Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Cambridge, MA, July 6–11, 1993.
The Nature, Origins, and Effects of Social Power (co-author Gienia M. Kolyszko). Paper presented at the Bush Faculty Development Conference, Bloomington MN, February 18–19, 1993.
The Effects of Three Pain Management Procedures on the Experience of Cold Pressor Pain as Mediated by Hypnotic Responsiveness. Paper presented at 39th Annual Scientific Program of the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, Asheville, NC, November 4–6, 1988.
The Perception of South African Psychologists of P. W. Botha’s Personality Style. Paper presented at the Eleventh Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Secaucus, NJ, July 1–5, 1988.
Beyond Psychobiography and Content Analysis: Toward an Alternative Methodology for Studying Political Leaders. Paper presented at the Ninth Annual Scientific Meeting of the Maine Psychological Association, Colby College, Waterville, ME, April 29, 1988.